Just How Important Are Antioxidants for a Prepper? Learn All About Their Essential Nutritional Benefits

antioxidants for breakfast

Preppers prefer to be prepared for the worst of circumstances that may arise in the future. Of these conditions, many could result in the total fall of society as we know it. In these instances, keeping oneself as healthy as possible is going to be of utmost importances, because you never know how long it will be before you can see a doctor again.

To learn why you should be stocking antioxidant-rich foods in your pantry to keep you healthy, keep reading the article below.

Antioxidants are a class of compounds that are capable of preventing the damage caused by oxidation of other molecules in your body by… Oxygen! Yes, the oxygen in the air you need to breathe causes damage. Antioxidants, some produced in your body naturally and some ingested, inhibit oxidation by fighting free radicals.
Free radicals are a waste product you naturally produce as a result of normal living and aging. They’re your biological response to environmental toxins like cigarette smoke, UV rays from the sun, chemicals, radiation, and more.
Free radical molecules aren’t complete; they’re missing one or more electrons. The incomplete molecules go after other molecules and proteins to steal their electrons. When they do this, they damage cell structures and even your DNA, and form even more free radicals. Without antioxidants, free radicals run rampant, leading to tissue damage, signs of aging, and the inability of your immune system to nip diseases in the bud.
How do antioxidants work? Antioxidants donate electrons to these free radicals, rendering them harmless, without becoming free radicals themselves. They serve to defend your cells from damage and resist the effects of exposure to pollutants and other toxins.
Different Types of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are classified in different ways, and each protects different parts of your cells. Some, like Vitamins A, E, and alpha-lipoic acid, protect the cell walls, mostly made of fatty lipids, and others like Vitamin C and glutathione, protect the inside of cells, mostly made of water.
Some antioxidants aren’t made naturally and have to be taken in your diet. One is resveratrol, also called a flavonoid. This is found in grapeseed, some vegetables, and red wine. It’s thought to help with blood pressure, heart health, and fights inflammation.
Another dietary antioxidant is the family of Carotenoids. These are the substances that give vegetables their colors, like carrots, peppers, and tomatoes.
You can get vitamin C from raw, organic vegetables and fruits, especially citrus.
You can get vitamin E compounds from a balanced diet composed of wholesome foods, but only one or two from supplements.

As it turns out, antioxidants will not only help keep you healthy when you begin to age, they'll also actively fight cancer-causing compounds that are prevalent in our world today.

Avoiding cancer and other debilitating illnesses are going to be incredibly important when medical aid is few and far between. For this reason, having a plan to grow plenty of heirloom vegetable will enable you to get many of the antioxidants your body needs most.

Essentially, having the plan to continue your life as you live it now will probably be the best way to keep healthy. Store wine, start growing citrus in a greenhouse and do what you can to enable yourself to have access to these antioxidants in a future where a grocery store will be nonexistent.

For more helpful tips like this, and to read the rest of the article, go to Doom and Bloom.


