Just How Important Are Antioxidants for a Prepper? Learn All About Their Essential Nutritional Benefits

antioxidants for breakfast

You hear about the importance of antioxidants day in and day out, coming from the mouths of celebrities, doctors, the news and just about every food trendy person you know.

These life-saving compounds are apparently only found in certain foods, and if you eat enough of them, you'll be guaranteed to be immortal. Okay, that last part isn't true, but in theory, that's how powerful the role of antioxidants is in our diets.

For preppers, the fact that antioxidants contain life-saving compounds means that the storage of antioxidant-rich foods is important. Why? Because having a diet rich in these foods could help to keep us healthy during long periods in which we may not be able to get to a doctor.

Continue to the next page to learn more about antioxidants and the important role they play in our diets.

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