It’s Easy to Get Rid of Pesky Moles by Using THESE Excellent Techniques…

mole holes in the ground

A mole is not your friend. Even for the most casual of farmers, someone who has a little garden in their yard with tomatoes and Summer squash, they will come, take away, and never even say thank you.

They are pests no matter what those cute animated cartoons may show. Moles need to be gotten rid of and the sooner the better!

However, there is no need to be vicious about it, even though we might like to see those pesky vermin incased in carbonite and possibly tossed into the east river … Do you get the idea we do not like moles?

On the next page, we have some easy methods of getting rid of moles without necessarily terminating them! After all, we might not like them but we do not want them screaming in agony either!

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  1. Leslie William Hale said:

    Pipe the exhaust from your car or truck into their tunnels. Use a few smoke bombs to find the vent holes and then plug those, sending the toxic fumes further into their tunnels.


    Mole problem cured and ground fertilized with their dead bodies! Twice the. Value.

  2. Randy Wallace said:

    Maybe you should learn the definition of the word Easy before using in a headline.

  3. Abe Agota said:

    State agriculture extension office suggested the easiest to rid yourself of them was to eliminate their food source (grubs).

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