It’s Easy to Get Rid of Pesky Moles by Using THESE Excellent Techniques…

mole holes in the ground

We don’t want them in our garden or on our farmland and neither do you! Here are six great ideas, chemical-free ways to chase away troublesome moles.

1. Repellants. They react strongly to the odor of castor oil, so you may be able to restrict their activity with the use of a castor oil spray.
Combine two tablespoons of dish soap with one cup of castor oil and one gallon of water in a sprayer. Apply this solution into any tunnels in your yard once a month.
2. Barriers. Another option is to bury a 24-inch hardware cloth or metal barrier at least one foot below the surface of your yard, bending the bottom of the barrier out at a 90-degree angle.
To find out where to place the barrier, flatten pushed up soil with the flat side of a shovel and then check the area the next day. If it is loose and/or mounded again, you have found an active tunnel.
3. Drainage. Since moles like moist soil, you can make sure your lawn and garden has proper drainage after a rainfall or watering.
4. Plants. Natural mole repellents include marigolds, chocolate lilies, daffodils, alliums, mole plants, fritillaries and castor beans. Garlic is another good choice.

5. Technology. Some homeowners have found success by placing battery-powered ultrasonic devices in the ground to create noises and vibrations that bother moles.
6. Trapping. Trapping and then relocating the mole can be an option if you dislike the idea of killing it.
First, locate the active tunnels by flattening mounds and then observing if it is raised again the next day. Then, place a live trap with earthworms as bait in the entrance to the hole and cover with any solid covering.

We appreciate all of these methods, some being perfectly suited for the old fashion farmer, survivalist, and prepper. However, we would be lying if we did no say the use of technology in getting rid of moles is intriguing!

Whatever way you choose, be environmentally conscious and remember whatever you put in the ground to get rid of a pesky mole may also reflect on the food that comes out of the ground!

Source: Off the Grid News


  1. Leslie William Hale said:

    Pipe the exhaust from your car or truck into their tunnels. Use a few smoke bombs to find the vent holes and then plug those, sending the toxic fumes further into their tunnels.


    Mole problem cured and ground fertilized with their dead bodies! Twice the. Value.

  2. Randy Wallace said:

    Maybe you should learn the definition of the word Easy before using in a headline.

  3. Abe Agota said:

    State agriculture extension office suggested the easiest to rid yourself of them was to eliminate their food source (grubs).


