In Debt? Here’s how to Manage it and Still be Able to Afford Survival Supplies

frustrated woman in debt

Debt is one of those realities most Americans possess and in some cases, it can severely hamper spending power and even hinder you from purchasing survival supplies you need.

Here are some general ideas on how to manage debt and free up cash to be able to maintain a debt load, but still have enough cash to get what is needed.

Make a spending plan.

On one column, list your income. On the opposite column, list your expenses including rent or mortgage, utilities, food, gasoline then list your debts, and possibly savings. Your income less expenses should have a small amount left, and you can allocate that to prepping. I believe you can prep even if you start with $5 a week, as long as you do it consistently.

Stop charging.

I have seen advice or comments in other sites saying just run up the credit cards and buy all the emergency supplies even if it’s on credit. I’d stay away from doing making additional charges, because that just sinks you further and further into the pit of debt. In a year or two, if nothing happens, you will still be in debt and you will just blame yourself even more.
It is hard to put the cards away, but that is the only thing that works. If you don’t carry it in your wallet, and it’s out of reach you are less likely to use it. Switch to using cash only.

Try to get more money coming in.

There are lots of ways to make some money on the side. Consider moonlighting, or making money from hobbies.
While technically not getting more money coming in, using coupons increases your stockpile at a lower cost.

What about Emergency Cash?

I would say as long as you are current on your bills, and are able to set aside a small amount for water, food and emergency supplies, then you should do so. Having a small amount set aside for emergencies will help you avoid relying on credit cards then next time you need to replace a tire, pay for an emergency room visit or other unexpected expense.

One mistake survival minded people make is to assume that they have to have spend vast amounts of money to get the survival supplies and equipment they need all at once.

This is based on a perception that a survival moment could pop up at any moment and while that is technically possible, it is extremely unlikely.

Spacing out your purchases by formulating a spending plan based on your cash flow is another way of slowly building the cache you need to ensure you can tackle that survival situation with relative ease if and when it pops up.

To see more about purchasing survival supplies when you are in debt, please visit the Apartment Prepper.


