Improve Archery Skills With a Toothpick Crossbow

toothpick crossbow

Admittedly, this is just for fun and we would never really tell you to fire on a friend or enemy. Yet, it still might be fun to do a little shooting practice at home, see how far it will go and if you can skewer something your patient spouse would not mind you putting holes in!

Outfitted to fire off either toothpicks or Q-tips with ease, this nifty little office warfare tool is the smallest of the crossbow toys and comes with some assembly required so those DIY fans out there can put their handiwork to good (or nefarious) use. Naturally, no batteries are required with this piece. Simply load your object of choice, pull back on the string and…eh who are we kidding, you know how this thing works.

toothpick crossbow

A fun “toy” and maybe something you can introduce to the kids, to illustrate the importance of weapons training and see if they are mature enough to handle any size weapon before you turn them onto the serious stuff! They may balk at first but, if we know kids, they will eventually find the fun and – with some good teaching and advisement – you could have a great future warrior on your hands.

Meanwhile, set it up and have some fun yourself. Our children do not need to get all the cool toys first!

Source and Featured Image via Hi Consumption


  1. Scott Rickard said:

    I’m sure that when going head to head in a SHTF scenario with an AR15, this thing will kick butt… Poink… Poke an eye out man… lol

  2. Adam Lee said:

    Haha I just saw it last night. I need that right about now lol

  3. Elizabeth Vega-Lee said:

    Yikes!!!! Thought of you right away. Of course your dad said, “He might shoot his eye out!”

  4. Mike Norton said:

    Suzy Patten Norton as little as you are this should be about the right size. Lmbo

  5. Chris Donnelly said:

    Just keep an aquarium with some poison dart frogs and you’re set! Now where can I buy one?


