I Still Can’t Believe What Harms People Who Live Off Grid the Most – Wow!

woman in the wilderness

When we first read the material that was presented to us, knowing we would have to write a piece about what harms the people who live off the grid most, our first thought was a sigh inducing diatribe about how man is the most dangerous beast in the world and cannot be trusted. You know, the typical nauseating, TV produced trash, that makes us all want to bury our prepper and survivalist heads in the sand.

Now honestly, we are not saying people aren't dangerous – there are some crazy pieces of work out there – the kind that will screw-over another human… but let’s think logically here. Off the grid speaking, there are other things in this world that are far more deadly than even man vs man conflict. You don’t think so?

Go over to the next page and read-up on what harms the people who live off the grid the most. Alligators? Hippos? Snakes, Big cats? You may be stunned by what is revealed!

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