How to Vanish Off the Grid and Live a Stealth Life

man disappearing

There was as time when starting afresh was as simple as heading over to the next city, or state; those days are long ago.

Now, because we are so dependent on technology, virtually everything we buy, consume, use, contact or come in contact with is traceable; here, though is a short list of the stuff you would have to do to disappear.

There are 30 million plus surveillance cameras on the US, one camera for every ten americans.

The average American is in 200 databases.

Plan 3 months ahead of time

Right before you leave, change your appearance significantly (if you have hair, shave your head, if you have blond hair, change it to black, get glasses, etc.).
Before you leave, terminate all of your accounts (email, bank accounts, credit cards, etc).

Don’t terminate your social network sites as you can use these sites to provide disinformation.

Before you leave, delete all of your computer files and get rid of your computer’s hard drive (first boil the hard drive then smash it with a hammer and finally run a

Degausser/electromagnetic wand over the drive to obliterate all information it may contain).

Get rid of all of your personal items like photos, trophies, mementos, etc. that could tie you to your old life.

Shred all of your personal info and credit cards/bank statements/etc., next take the shredded material and spread it around in a bunch of trash bags and leave the bags at various dumpsters around the city, or burn it.

Get rid of your cell phone as these can be easily used to track your location either through a computer software program or through triangulation.

Wipe all of your info from your cell phone then leave it at a train or bus station so that someone else will pick it up and start using it, thus providing a source of disinformation for those searching for you.

Break your normal patterns (what you eat, where you frequent, how you shop, the kind of work you do, etc).

Completely change your lifestyle (ie: if you are currently a corporate lawyer, become a night janitor then dress and behave appropriately).

If you do take your car get rid of the toll pass which can track your movements through the RFID chip in the pass.

Stay away from interstate highways.

Go to non-chain restaurants.

Pay for everything with cash.

When you are out in public disguise yourself (at least wear a hat and sunglasses).

Stay in small motels and pay with cash.

Buy a pre-paid cell phone which you only use for outgoing calls (be sure to turn off the caller ID). Replace the pre-paid phone frequently, about every 2 weeks.

When you are not using the cell phone, remove the battery so it can’t be turned on remotely or used to track you.

To change your identity don’t just assume the identity of someone else (this is way more difficult–and illegal–than it used to be), instead petition the court to change your name legally to a new–and common–name.

Apply for a driver’s license under your new name.

To get back online, use a new laptop.

At the grocery store, change your shopping habits and never use store club cards.

To find work, get a night job that is different that your previous job, such as a janitor.

Disappearing as an intellectual exercise is pretty easy; disappearing as an actual life choice is not easy and frankly, you should not even try it unless you absolutely have to do so.

It means a life essentially that is very lonely, always having to look over your shoulder and always wondering if the next time you run into a stranger, they will know you from your prior life.

To see even more steps you must take, check out The Good Survivalist.


