How to Treat a Spider Bite: A Simple Guide!


If you are nervous about spider bites, there are a few things you can do in preparation that could help you avoid the bite altogether. The most obvious is bug spray. You can find it at your local drug and grocery store. It doesn't smell wonderful, but it beats bug bites. So swallow your vanity and buy a bottle. If you have a flat, safe surface around you, try a Citronella candle. These generally smell better than bug spray and they help keep spiders and other bugs at bay. But in the event you were bitten, please follow the steps outlined below:


How to Treat a Spider Bite:

• Rub an ice cube on the bug bite right away. This helps decrease the inflammation that causes itching.
• Underarm deodorants have ingredients that reduce skin irritation. If you get a bug bite, try any deodorant and see if it works.
• Apply a drop or two of peppermint oil. It has a cooling effect, and also increases circulation to the bite, speeding the healing process. Alternatively, if you have toothpaste that contains peppermint oil, apply a dab.
• Look for an anti-itch spray or gel that contains menthol, a classic skin-soother. Keep the product in the refrigerator until you’re ready to use it. The coolness will provide extra itch relief.
• Buy anti-itch cream that contains a topical anesthetic to numb the area. Some also contain hydro-cortisone to stop the swelling and antihistamine to counter the allergic reaction.
• Use a bug-bite relief patch, which looks like a small bandage and goes directly on the skin. Each patch contains concentrated numbing medicine.

In addition to Peppermint Oil, you can also use Tea Tree Oil. This can help treat the skin and speed up the healing process. Only a tiny amount is needed.

We're thankful to the folks over at Best Health Mag for putting these treatment ideas together. If you'd like to read more about bites, treatment and prevention, head over to their site here.

Do You Have a Method for Treating Spider Bites?

If you do, and it doesn't involve sucking the poison out (tisk, tisk) please share it with us!



