How to Treat a Spider Bite: A Simple Guide!

Whether you're out in the woods with your family or helping your great aunt Mildred clean out the shed in her backyard, one thing is certain: You are SURROUNDED by spiders. Most spiders like to stick to themselves and view humans as a potential thread. So they will either do one of two things: 1. Run in an attempt to escape and/or hide. Have you ever accidentally (or intentionally) rustled a spider web? If you have, you'll typically notice that the spider is not interested in attacking you like the ones starring in Arachnophobia. Instead they will move to a safe area where they won't be touched or harmed. 2. Tuck all their legs into a small ball around their body and hang tight. It's almost as though they're playing opossum. As if laying perfectly still will grant them an invisibility cloak. Nice try.

So important thing to know: Spiders generally don't want anything to do with humans. They like to stick with bugs and easy things to eat. Not things that can squash and kill them in a matter of seconds. BUT, it's also important to know that in some occasions, spiders DO bite. And when they do, it's important to treat the bite properly.


Original Image Source: Yogendra Joshi

Want to know how to treat a nasty spider bite and avoid the risk of infection? Page 2 has all you need to know….


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