How to Survive by Utilizing the Parts of an Old Cell Phone


Your cell phone is a very diverse instrument – even beyond its normal uses. In fact, during a survival situation a cell phone can be invaluable to helping you with various tasks. For example, did you know it can work as a signaling advice?

Here are just a few things you can do with its components:

1. Tinder From Circuit Board 


via Backpacker

2. Headphone Snare

Headphone wires can also be used to fashion a small game snare.


via Backpacker

3. Make Fishing Lures

Plenty of little tidbits inside make great fishing hooks and lures.


via Backpacker

4. Circuit Board Arrowhead

Lash the arrowhead firmly onto a stick and use it for hunting fish or small game.


via Backpacker

5. Signaling Device

Behind every screen is some sort of shiny surface, which makes for a great signaling device.


via Backpacker

6. Speaker Compass


via Backpacker

You should only use your phone as a multi-tool if there is not another alternative after you have exhausted trying to use it as it was intended to help you escape whatever you are facing.

If, though, you have no other choice, your cell phone can provide you with a number of survival tools.

For more information on how to use cell phones as a multi-tool, please check out Backpacker.

Featured Image via Backpacker


