How to Survive (and Eat Well) on $50 a Month

stockpiling food

How important is budgeting as a prepper? Very important!

Now let’s get to budgeting! Look at what you already have, think about what you will need, make a list, stick to it! By the end of the month, your wallet will be heavier and you will be more healthy!

Do you know that $430 of this monthly amount is spent just on eating out? Going out is not only one of the most expensive ways to eat, it is often the unhealthiest. More calories, more fat, and more sodium, all for more money than anything you would make at home. And when using credit cards, you’ll probably spend more.  Cutting down on going out helps the bank account and the belly.

If 40% of your budget goes to eating out, 60% is spent on groceries. Changing the way you shop for groceries is a must if you want to save. In fact, just eating the food you already bought can save up to 25%. You see, the average family throws away 25% of the food they already paid for. Remember that chicken that was on sale?  Now it’s taking up room in the bottom of the refrigerator. Save money by not buying something just because it’s on sale.

Although, as a prepper, we somewhat disagree with the idea behind not stocking up. RE: Do not buy two for one items because they go to waste. Trust us, nothing goes to waste if it is stored or canned properly, even though we do like all of these tips.

Fear come when you think about failure but you cannot succeed unless you try in the first place! Go to Visual Economics for more information. Again, give it a try for a month and watch how much money you save!


