How to Survive (and Eat Well) on $50 a Month

stockpiling food

It seems like an impossibility to live on only $50 a month when even we, who try to live as food-frugally as possible on $200 a month, finds it tough. But it can be done. It has everything to do with what you can live without and find suitable inexpensive or free substitutions.

One of the things you can ask yourself is: “Have ever or want to plant a garden?” Even if you live in the city, you can always plant in boxes and leave them on the kitchen counter our out on the patio and/or balcony.

Some work better than others but creating your own veggies will go a long way in cutting food costs.

Then, when you take away soda and fast food – you’d be surprised by how “in the black” your grocery budget becomes!

Go on over to the next page to learn more and see some interesting facts about feeding you and your family on a budget!

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