How To Properly Prepare When You Or A Loved One Has Type 1 Diabetes

While many prepper and homesteaders have health issue there is always great concerns when it comes to Type One (1) Diabetes (aka: Juvenile Diabetes). There are so many things to consider. Not just medications, lances, insulin and syringes, but also special food preparation.

Type One (1) patients differ from Type Two (2) in that their bodies make NO insulin, whereas as Type Twos do make insulin have trouble expending it to get carb energy from the blood into the cells for use, causing blood sugar flair-ups. Sadly, while diet, exercise and medication will work for Type Twos, the same cannot be said for Type Ones.

Go to page two and read more about Type One Diabetic patients and how they can prep for disasters or if the grid should become inoperative. They may be down but are certainly not out!

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