How to Make and Can Apricot Nectar for When SHTF

apricot canning

Stockpiling canned goods and water is always a good idea when prepping for an emergency. However, you also need to think about things like fruit for the vitamins they can provide. This is even more important since fruit may be difficult to find in the area you have to bug out. This easy way to make and can apricot nectar will help you start your stockpile of fruit.

The Process Of Making And Canning Apricot Nectar Is: 

The Supplies To Gather:

Fresh apricots

Fruit Fresh (optional)


Lemon Juice

Food sieve or strainer

Jars and canning lids

Canning funnel

Water bath canner

The Steps  To Follow:

 1 Pick, wash  apricots.

2 Halve  apricots, discarding  pits, trimming off any damaged parts. Put cut apricots directly into a mixture of 2 quarts water and 2 TB Fruit Fresh to keep them from browning while  cutting the rest.

3 Put  apricot halves in  pot, adding enough water so they don’t stick to the pan, boil  until soft.

4 Run  softened apricot mixture through  food sieve.

5 Pour strained apricot nectar into  pot,  keep it hot while you’re preparing to can it. Put  canning lids into  small pot of water r, heat them so they’ll be ready to put on  jars,  get  canner filled with hot water.

6 Measure 1/2 cup sugar and 1 TB lemon juice into each clean quart jar. A canning funnel makes this step lots less messy! Add apricot nectar to slightly more full than the 1″ headspace you want to end with, stir it up. Air is released from the sugar pile as you stir which will lower the level of liquid in the jar slightly. Don’t stir with metal as it could damage your jars.

7 Wipe jar rims clean of  residue, apply  hot lids,  screw them on finger tight.

8 Process jars in a water bath canner. Process 10 minutes, adjusting for altitude. Remove from canner,  let cool.

When you are done, you will be left with delicious apricot nectar to add to your stockpile. You can either eat this right out the jar or mix it with other foods with more nutrients and a boost of energy. Since having fresh fruit be hard to come by during a collapse, having this in your stockpile just might be crucial to your survival! You'll never know when you might need it.

To find about more about making and canning apricot nectar, please visit Food Storage And Survival.


