How to Make and Can Apricot Nectar for When SHTF

apricot canning

When SHTF, a prepper should have a stockpile of fruit such as apricot nectar. Here is the best way to make and can it!

When a collapse occurs, going to the store for fresh fruit will not likely be an option. However, fruit can provide you plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that you may not be able to get from other sources.  It can also provide you with the energy you need for whatever may happen.  This makes having a stockpile of fruit very important to your survival.

It can also provide you with energy you need for whatever may happen. This makes having a stockpile of fruit very important to your survival.

So, what kind of fruit should you stockpile? Apricots may be hard to find during a disruptive event unless you happen to come across a tree.

Apricots may be hard to find during a disruptive event unless you happen to come across a tree. However, apricot nectar makes a bunch making it one of the best fruits for your stockpile.

Apricot nectar is also simple and easy to make and is great for adding sweetness to other foods. You'll be glad you had these in your supplies when SHTF!

To learn the process of making and canning apricot nectar, please head on over to the next page where we will show you all the steps you need to follow. 

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