How to Correctly Lace Hiking Boots

hiking boots

You may never have thought lacing those boots up would be such a big deal but, over time, as you hike, you may definitely start to feel something is not right. The way you lace-up may relieve any and all issues you have!


Window Lacing (for top-of-foot pressure):
If your well-tied boots start to create a pressure point on the top of your foot, window lacing (aka “box lacing”) can help alleviate the problem:
Unlace the boot down to the hooks that are just below the pressure point.
Relace the shoes by going straight up to the next hook and then crossing the laces over.
Finish lacing the rest of your boot in your usual way; alternatively, you can tie a surgeon’s knot at the lower and upper edge of your window for a snugger hold.
Surgeon’s Knot (for heel slipping):

When your heel is slipping excessively as you hike, you probably have too much interior volume at the top of your foot. Cinch down your boot and hold it in place with two surgeon’s knots: Once secured, these hold fast where they’re placed and won’t work themselves loose.
Pull out any slack in the laces, snugging the boot over the top of your foot.
Locate the two pairs of lace hooks closest to the point where the top of your foot begins to flex forward; you’ll be tying a surgeon’s knot at each of these pairs.
Wrap the laces around each other twice, then pull them tight; be sure to run the lace directly up to the next hook to “lock” in the knot’s tension.
Repeat Step 3 at the next highest set of lace hooks.
Finish lacing the rest of your boot in your usual way.

To read more, go to REI. There you will also learn how to lace shoes for toe relief!

Some day we may have the technology that will make every pair of hiking boots a perfect fit for every outdoorsman who wears them. Until that happens it is nice to know there are tips and tricks that can make hiking a bit more pleasurable, thus allowing us to cover more ground in a single day!


