How to Completely Disappear Long Term and Never Look Back

man disappearing

It sounds like something out of a spy caper, Mission: Impossible or one of the Jason Bourne movies. However, for whatever private reason, one day you may need to leave, never to be seen again.

Sounds a little improbable; everyone needs to be known by someone at one time or another, right? You need a social security number, drivers license and, of course, what about your family? That’s right.

How about Mom, Dad, and your favorite Uncle? And what about Rover, your dog? You can’t just leave him behind – can you?

If you have heavy attachments you may have a hard time reading about how to disappear from the face of the earth.

However, if you really want to get away and leave no trace, or at least want to read up on it, you need to check out the tips on the next page!

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  1. Colby Ward said:

    Ahh the good ol I’m to lazy to work and help make a better society, so I run from all my problems. Meh.

  2. Michael Cosgrove said:

    How about “society” is so sick and depraved that it’s become unsustainable and disappearing is the only option left to survive?

  3. Jon Paterson said:

    Be real easy to disappear there is lot of woods out there that has never seen a human soul

  4. Tyler Lucjak said:

    In the age of technology, the only way you’re gonna disappear, is to kill yourself.

  5. Alex Morin said:

    it would nice and it can be done and never been seen at least people that would know you its not that they make think Brain wash BS it can be done there some many people doing right now.

  6. Steve Roach said:

    Already did !!! Off grid for a year in the woods !!!!! Loved it !!!

  7. Becky Tiny Paradise said:

    This is hideous! First off telling someone to go south is the worst idea ever. You will get stopped by police in the South is you are wondering around.. People in the South dont take kindly to strangers hanging around.Trustpass and you will be shot in the South. You will run out of money and need to work. You need ID for that as well- You just went on the grid again. So becoming a bum with no roof over your head is a really stupid idea. If your are going to disappear leave the country. Buy a boat and sail off to some island outside the US.

  8. Jay Hanna said:

    You gotta get off mainland and go overseas to a country where ID and$#%&!@*is less relevant and barter….

  9. Cecil T. Compton said:

    What would it be like. Could you make a new life ? Could you walk away from your life.?

  10. Lloyd Fowler said:

    What could possibly make you hate everyone you know to the point you leave them all?

  11. James Shepherd said:

    I am definitely sure it is harder to sneak into the southern countries with out a passport than it is to come to America

  12. Tim Dove said:

    Already did it for 17 years escaped from the Penn was legally dead after 7 of those years and after all that my drivers record was gone. I had to get a learners permit at age 45! I’m no longer a fugitive I finished my time and am a free man with zero credit but also zero debt 🙂

  13. Tabitha J. Lawson said:

    … it’s something people often daydream of I think… myself included. But I am sure that although it’s as possible now as it has ever been, that there are aspects of it that are very harsh… lonely… and physically demanding. There is always that temptation though… the allure of walking away from everything and recreating ourselves, hitting the reset button on who we have become… it’s very alluring. I don’t have the strength for that disconnect though… maybe when I was younger… not now though…

  14. Thomas Whitten said:

    Believe me, I’ve researched this rather extensively. Been thinking about it for a long time. Not all of what’s listed is needed but these are items to be considered.

  15. Paul Spencer said:

    I actually did this for a few years in the late seventies. I was a learning experience.

  16. Addie Dorro said:

    Some days it’s tempting, but in the long run there is a handful of people I would miss.

  17. Jerry Timler said:

    Jake Norman it’s now mandatory that I link you to all these type stories hahaha

  18. Tim Dove said:

    It really wasn’t that hard, the hard part has been readjusting to the technology I missed out on. I wasn’t separated from all human contact. I was invisible to the system, I still worked and made money. I just didn’t own anything, house, land etc…

  19. Tim Dove said:

    I’ve been a convicted felon since I was 19 yrs old and have never voted. Did someone else use my name to vote demapublican I have no idea. Two heads on the same monster. It’s not 1776 anymore.

  20. Tabitha J. Lawson said:

    Gotcha. Getting away from a lot of the connections, I’d be OK with. But some aspects would haunt me.

  21. Sondra Harbison Dow said:

    My daughter has disappeared, it isn’t the greatest feeling not knowing. There was no reason for her to do this either. Her family misses her and if there is one thing I would like for Christmas is to hear her voice.

  22. Charles Dinkel said:

    Theres no real content in the article, facial recognition software, finger prints, and your medical records would still be on file, potentially even DNA from medical file. Credit score, etc. No mention of how to ditch SS number and get new one, or proof of citizenship, birth certificate, basically this is a formula for being homeless and having no bank account. BFD

  23. Liz Jones Morris said:

    Well, if I can’t keep my pets, screw it. They’re the only ones I DON’T want to hide from.

  24. Heather Robison Hillman said:

    I don’t think I could ever do this unless I had to. In which case, I obviously wouldn’t have time for long set-ups like getting a landlord used to me paying months in advance. So what does one do to successfully disappear when they have no prior intent of doing so?

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