How to Completely Disappear Long Term and Never Look Back

man disappearing

Unfortunately, if you're going to disappear off of the face of the earth you can't have any pets. A dog that's recognizable isn't going to help you stay hidden. Most importantly you must be thorough, because if you forget about the small details chances are you will raise a few red flags, and that's something you can't do if you're really going to pull your disappearance off.

mystery man disappearing

Do you have any pets?
You’ll probably need to take them to a shelter. Or allow a friend or neighbor adopt them under some other pretext. Pets cannot come with on your disappearing adventure. They will raise attention and make you more recognizable.

Quit your job or request time off.
Just before your big breakaway, you’ll need some time to make last minute preparations. You’ll also want a head start before anybody begins questioning your absence.

Be as thorough as possible.
Try to avoid a lease on your residence if you rent, so landlords don’t come looking. Or start paying a couple months in advance to buy time when you do leave. You’ll want to do this well ahead of time to get them used to you paying several months at a time.

If you would like to read up on these tips further please go to Skilled Survival for more details in regards to the steps you must take to disappear.

There could be any number of reasons why, in the future, you may want to be a mere blip on the screen on the planet earth but remember, if that is the case, you need to be patient and really plan! Forgetting just the smallest of details could get you found — and you wouldn't want that to happen!


  1. Gabe Valdivieso said:

    Sounds like if you need to do all of this you’re just a$#%&!@*anyway so I hope none of it pans out for you lol

  2. Tom Bergstrand said:

    Years ago it was a lot easier to go away as you and become someone else. There was a book called “Paper Trail” (I think) that showed you all the steps.

  3. Josh Hall said:

    Love brings us from Solitude to Kinship with all of mankind. – The Great Spirit

  4. Corvus Rabe said:

    As someone who was a fugitive at lone time I can tell you none of this will help you hide from the law. If you are walking down the road in almost any county or small town, you will be approached by law enforcement. If you don’t have an I’d that can pass a cursory I’d check you will be detained and fingerprinted. The key is to have an id with your picture and another’s name that is valid and not wanted. There are a number of ways to achieve this, but all are felonies and not something I will explain in this forum.

  5. Joe Duncan said:

    I’d like to add:
    Learn a new language, change your gait, gain/lose significant weight.

  6. Larry Freeman said:

    This is the path that the people who do not like President Trump should take .

  7. Karl Erikson said:

    Remarkable thing that stuff called DNA…it shows up right when you don’t want it to.
    Bruising up against something
    Acid from your skin touching paper
    Hair follicles falling out
    Dead skin cells falling off of you
    Drinking from a glass

    Need I continue?

  8. Doug Las said:

    Great info, or at least it was 30 years ago when it was in every tv show of the week with the detectives quickly finding they prey 😉

  9. Ryan Harkness said:

    What does DNA have to do with anything. DNA analysis:

    Costs money
    Has to be a reason to run it
    Why would you be involved in a crime scene
    They need prior DNA to snatch it against
    This isn’t a tv show…the random joe fuckknuckle they wouldn’t care to spend time or money running DNA analysis on so random hair follicle they found at a rest stop or some$#%&!@*lol

  10. Karl Erikson said:

    No$#%&!@*Why else would you want to disappear?
    Prior DNA can be established at your last home of record
    No$#%&!@*If the U.S. Marshalls or FBI wanted to find you THEY CAN AND WILL.

  11. Karl Erikson said:

    No, I work in the community. If you are the target, there will be a task force assigned to you. Things take time just like playing chess, assets need to be moved and shifted.
    Hollywood being Hollywood, we laugh at most of the$#%&!@*they portray, but I only harped on one facet at our disposal. Live in your safe bubble for all I care.

  12. Kip Cudd said:

    Where’s that cave that nobody has found yet and the bears will protect you?

  13. Justin Gullekson said:

    100% agree.

    “If I determine the enemy’s disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it.”

    Sun Tzu
    “The Art of War”

  14. Ernst Wold said:

    getting rid of credit cards all cash from now on kinda disappear into the sunset


