Here’s How to Make Gunpowder the Old Fashioned Way

gun powder and bullets

Any thought or discussion of when SHTF usually focuses on a short-term survival situation where after the shock wears off, it's only until days or maybe even hours before everything gets back to normal.

However, that may not be true. Can we really know for certain that when the grid goes down it won't be permanent? Who knows — a man-made or natural disaster could make life as we know it obsolete.

The potential for a long-term bug out situation is why preppers recommend having the skills to make basic items such as weapons and in this case, gunpowder.

If a survivalist is smart they will have already stockpiled a lot of food, however, when it's used up it may be challenging finding food. After the run is gone you will need to learn how to hunt for food and the easier way to do that is by using your weapons. Sooner or later your ammunition will run out.

To learn the vital skill of how to make gunpowder for a long-term survival situation, visit the next page. 

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  1. Stephen Garrett said:

    You Can’t make smokeless powder at home. The picture shows modern powder and cartridges . Someone is going to load this$#%&!@*and blow up a gun and get severely injured or dead. Be responsible with posts like this!!


