Have a Spider Bite? Try These Natural Remedies While Bugging Out to Treat It

spider on a web

Spider bites suck. Unlike other insect bites (I know spiders aren't insects, just bear with me), spider bite marks can last for weeks, and often lead to a painful rash. With some common household supplies, you can drastically reduce that time.

1. Ice Pack
When bitten by a spider, the first thing you need to do is clean the wound with mild soap and water. Then, apply an ice pack on the affected area. The cold temperature will help numb the nerve endings, soothe the itching sensation and reduce swelling and inflammation.
2. Aspirin
It can neutralize the venom to promote quick recovery. In addition, its strong anti-inflammatory properties can effectively control swelling and inflammation.
3. Salt
Salt is another easy remedy due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Sprinkle some salt on a wet washcloth.
Bandage this washcloth to the affected part for a couple of hours.
Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder with enough olive oil to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area. Allow it to sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.
5. Potatoes
Another easy and effective method is to use a starchy potato. It can bring down the itching and inflammation, largely due to its anti-irritating and soothing properties.
6. Baking Soda
Baking soda is an effective treatment for spider bites. This alkaline substance can help draw out the venom, which will help reduce pain, itching and inflammation.
Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 3 teaspoons of water.
Soak 1 to 2 aspirin tablets in a little water to form a paste.
Apply this paste on the affected area.
Leave it on for a couple of hours, then wash it off with lukewarm water.
7. Activated Charcoal
Make a paste of some activated charcoal using a little water. Apply it on the affected area. To keep the paste in place, put a bandage over it. Repeat every 3 hours for the first day to neutralize the toxin. If needed, follow the remedy the next day also.
8. Lemon Juice
Take a piece of lemon and rub it against the affected area for 2 to 3 minutes. Wait another 5 minutes, then rinse it off.
9. Aloe Vera
You can also use the gel of aloe vera for treating spider bites. This gel has natural antiseptic as well as anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that can help reduce pain, swelling and itching. It can even aid in faster healing by keeping the affected area moisturized.
10. Peppermint
This herb exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that help relieve pain, swelling and inflammation. It even soothes and calms itchiness caused by spider bites.
Rub freshly extracted peppermint juice on the affected area. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. Repeat once or twice more, if needed.

If you're a homesteader or a prepper, having these items on hand is already likely to be a give-in. They all have a wide variety of uses that can be applied to a wide variety of situations.

If you aren't a homesteader, maybe you'll want to have some of this stuff on hand anyway, as it can come in handy for some simple medicinal purposes. As a bonus, you'll know exactly what you're treating yourself with, rather than the unknown chemicals found in most medications.

To learn more about spider bites and other home remedies, check out the original article on Top 10 Home Remedies.


