Have a Dead Car Battery? Using a Rope and Elbow Grease All Might Not Be Lost!

starting a car with a rope

This method is not for the faint of heart, body or mind.

You will use a lot of exertion to generate the motion needed to rotate the tire, it likely will take a few times and even when it works, the vehicle engine may not stay running (so make sure you quickly get into the car and engage the clutch).

We won't use jumper cables or push the car.
This trick is great for situations when you need to start the car, but there is nobody to give you a push or a jump start.

What's needed:
•    Manual transmission car
•    Jack
•    Rope

Jack up one of the front wheels (if front wheel drive car)

Pull the handbrake and put the car in 3rd gear.

Turn the key in the ignition to ACC or On position (depending of the car)

Wrap a rope around the wheel lifted and pull.

If you are (strong) lucky enough, the car should start.

Starting a manual transmission vehicle in this manner works in the same way you can “pop” a clutch rolling forward faster than 5 MPH and start the engine.

It will not work on diesel because there is not sufficient enough power to preheat the cylinders sufficiently to ignite the fuel.

For more information on this method starting a manual transmission vehicle and other great ideas, please visit Instructables.

Featured Image via Instructables


