Have a Dead Car Battery? Using a Rope and Elbow Grease All Might Not Be Lost!

starting a car with a rope

First, a couple of warnings:

This only works on manual cars and works best on cars that run on gasoline (as opposed to diesel).

Attempting to start a vehicle like this is a desperate measure, should be a last resort. It does pose some danger to your person regarding physical exertion (you could pull your back) as well as the fact you are yanking on a vehicle that will be up on a jack.

That is the end of the warnings.

There is nothing worse than being stranded with a vehicle whose battery is dead.

It is rough enough in real life in a survival situation; it can be deadly.

Facing a survival situation or its aftermath, though, starting a vehicle in this manner might be your only hope.

To learn how to start a manual transmission vehicle using a car jack and a rope, check out the next page.

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