Four Eye-Opening Ways a Pine Tree Can Save Your Life

cutting into a pine tree

When SHTF life can be unpredictable. Even if one day you have your bug out bag and are near civilization, the next day could bring something completely unpredictable, separating you from your cabin, bug out bag, and family.

If you are out in the woods without a bug out bag or supplies, don't panic. It just so happens that your natural surroundings are what's going to keep you alive. Specificially, a tree is going to keep you alive.

Did you know that a pine tree provides all the natural resources you need to survive SHTF for an extended period of time? Yes, you read that correctly. If you're out in the woods during a collapse without many resources, find a pine tree.

With its sticky sap, pine needles, edible bark and more, almost every part of a pine tree can be used for survival. If you locate pine trees when you're bugging out, you have a better chance coming out in one piece.

So if you're not sure how to identify a pine tree now, learn where to find one in your area and how to use it to your advantage when SHTF.

Keep reading to find out just how resourceful a pine tree is. Stay alive not only by retrieving food from a pine tree, but by creating shelter as well. You'll be amazed at everything a pine tree can provide!

After the break, discover why a pine tree is one of the most resourceful trees out there. Instead of suffering when all hell to breaks lose, you can take comfort in the fact that a pine tree can keep you alive. 

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  1. Steve Owen Rowlett said:

    “It is easy to try and tare people down using the internet or social media using ridicule or insults.
    It is much harder to do the right thing or be the more mature person and treat everyone with respect.
    In the end we all have to learn how to live with each other on this planet.
    It would be much easier to live in this world if we didn’t try to tare each other down”…..said the hypocrite before he called everyone stupid…..

  2. Steve Owen Rowlett said:

    A question for Charles…..if you are homeless……how the Hell do you have money for a phone or computer and internet??

  3. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Well Steve who likes to make assumptions about other people he doesn’t even know.
    I bought a device before I lost my home with some of my property I sold and use free WiFi spots to use the internet.
    I don’t have phone service.
    You should understand that me calling something that someone does stupid, which is the truth, is not the same thing as trying to belittle someone or bully them because the greater evil would be allowing people to destroy the earth and all our children’s futures because we allowed a blatant stupidity to continue.

  4. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Stupidity, denotes something that someone does which is inherently wrong.
    Destroying trees is a stupid self destructive action that jeopardizes the survival of us all.
    I really wish there was an easier way to get through to people. But unfortunately it seems most choose to live in ignorance to their humanity and the sustainability of the planet and try to destroy our ecosystems for personal gain.
    The lives of our trees matter as does the lives of future generations that will never have a chance because their are so many stupid actions in this world working to destroy it.
    Argue with reality if you wish, it doesn’t change the fact you are all probably going to loose this planet due to human stupidity.
    Call me a hypocritical person, whatever, it doesn’t affect my personal views or change the fact that people are doing so many stupid things to destroy the planet or each other that humanity probably is going to go permanently extinct.

  5. Tim Cotton said:

    Better like taste of turpintine cause thats what it tastes like. .

  6. Tanner Hafer said:

    Correction… that’s not a pine. That’s a tamarack or as locals call it… a larch. The correct term would be “most conifers” cambian layer is edible… not at all palatable. Tree from the needle are high in vitamin C and most bark is full of carbs. Most of you will either and die before you are able to swallow this bitter “layer of wood”. This does not kill a tree unless you take a full ring around it. There is still large ponderosa’s ” which is a pine tree, that are still alive from natives eaten them. If we have to resort to eating trees… most of you are already dead. Cheers

  7. Steve Owen Rowlett said:

    Maybe you should sell that worthless phone and get a room instead of telling people they are stupid.

  8. Joe Eller said:

    Thank you folks for a good laugh!i loved the comments.

  9. Steve Owen Rowlett said:

    And trust me…if it comes down to us eating trees to survive… won’t really care how much of it you are wasting.

  10. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Grow up and learn how to survive like a real man. Eating a pine tree is stupid. But I guess you can’t force people to become more intelligent or mature, it’s like trying to reason with retarded people that can’t comprehend a logical explanation or the true life experience of someone that actually knows how to survive off the land like a man. Not like a pine tree eating rat that doesn’t know how to hunt.

  11. Jason Vaughan said:

    He’s right I fried a chunk of pine tree this afternoon it was fuckin awful I’ll never eat that$#%&!@*again even if I’m gonna die of starvation

  12. Steven Thomas said:

    Charles Benjamin Hawkins how dare you call me immature? I’m offended, I need to get to a safe place quick.

  13. Greg Luce said:

    Hey goofy. It says in a SHTF scenario. When SHTF surviving is significantly more important than the “life” of a pine tree.

  14. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    You’ll make you survival situation even worse. Pine trees can make you sick. It is not an acceptable food source that can sustain them body.

  15. Greg Luce said:

    I don’t think Charles even read the article. The first thing I am going to do in a SHTF scenario is build that lean-to shelter. Then try to gather up the pine nuts and needles for bedding.

    Sorry Charles, the tree is getting the axe!

  16. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Chopping trees down to build a lean-to shelter is stupid. It’s pretty much the dumbest shelter a human being can build. Seriously, if that is the extent of your survival or building skills then you need to get a better education in survival.


