Four Eye-Opening Ways a Pine Tree Can Save Your Life

cutting into a pine tree

When SHTF life can be unpredictable. Even if one day you have your bug out bag and are near civilization, the next day could bring something completely unpredictable, separating you from your cabin, bug out bag, and family.

If you are out in the woods without a bug out bag or supplies, don't panic. It just so happens that your natural surroundings are what's going to keep you alive. Specificially, a tree is going to keep you alive.

Did you know that a pine tree provides all the natural resources you need to survive SHTF for an extended period of time? Yes, you read that correctly. If you're out in the woods during a collapse without many resources, find a pine tree.

With its sticky sap, pine needles, edible bark and more, almost every part of a pine tree can be used for survival. If you locate pine trees when you're bugging out, you have a better chance coming out in one piece.

So if you're not sure how to identify a pine tree now, learn where to find one in your area and how to use it to your advantage when SHTF.

Keep reading to find out just how resourceful a pine tree is. Stay alive not only by retrieving food from a pine tree, but by creating shelter as well. You'll be amazed at everything a pine tree can provide!

After the break, discover why a pine tree is one of the most resourceful trees out there. Instead of suffering when all hell to breaks lose, you can take comfort in the fact that a pine tree can keep you alive. 

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  1. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Why because you’re a self destructive person that can’t respect the environment or the longevity of your species. Try to mature a little and learn to have enough respect for humanity.
    Otherwise I will be forced to destroy you.
    Which means a permanent end to your existence or family line because you were not worthy enough to be considered a human being since you jeopardize the continuity and survivability of your own species and ecosystem in a blatant stupidity that threatens us all.

  2. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    People that can’t be trusted to respect the environment or their humanity are a danger to the sustainability of this planet that by all the authority of government will be brought to justice for the sake of humanity or the sustainability of the planet.
    Going into the forest to cut wedges into American pine trees will get you arrested by the BLM or federal agents tasked with protecting our ecosystem or forests.

  3. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    This post is stupid and practicing what it teaches will get you arrested and fined by the federal government. Eating pine nuts is one thing, cutting into pine trees is illegal. If someone like myself sees you in the forest disrespecting the trees which sustain all of humanity with oxygen or atmosphere necessary to breath, you be in serious trouble.
    If you are someone that goes around trying to destroy the environment by burning garbage then you will be the one who is burned either by the legal authority over this land held by the federal government or by God’s justice in recompense for your jeopardizing humanity and all life on this planet with a destructive stupidity that threatens everything.

  4. Rob Marrs said:

    Appendicitis will get ya if you use a pine tree for survival ..

  5. Jack Stone said:

    These comments.
    I mourn the death of common sense.
    Seems like yesterday it lived amongst us.
    And now.

  6. Robert Kilpatrick said:

    Actually most oxygen comes from the ocean. And I’ve personally seen a tree with a turpentine tap in it from 50 years ago. By the way a new saplings will use more carbon than an older tree. So eat the tree and plant a seed.

  7. Jason Vaughan said:

    I’m going into cut down two pine trees in honor of Charles tomorrow I will probably burn the trees body parts in a 55 gallon oil drum with paint still on it

  8. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    You are a stupid$#%&!@*hole if you kill a pine tree. Grow up and learn how to respect the planet. Pine trees sink carbon from the atmosphere into their bark everytime you kill one you jeopardize the sustainability of the planet.

  9. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Pine trees clean the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. The ocean doesn’t generate enough oxygen alone to support an ever expanding human population.
    Without pine trees everything dies including you.
    Making stupid negative statements saying your going to destroy the forest will get you investigated by the federal government.
    Destroying trees or starting forest fires will get you prison time in a United States penitentiary.

  10. Adam Hoffman said:

    Guess I’m a stupid$#%&!@*too. Because that$#%&!@*made me laugh out loud.

  11. Frank Fehrman said:

    Charles Benjamin Hawkins you are a dumb mother$#%&!@* I wish you lived in my state so I could come beat your$#%&!@* How have people become so fucking stupid!? My sister lives in Arizona I should send her over to beat your$#%&!@*p***y

  12. Frank Fehrman said:

    I think I’ma go chop down a half a dozen trees right now just for you dumb f**k

  13. Chris Mitchell said:

    Charles Benjamin Hawkins you are impressively ignorant and hipocritical. Ive seen the stuff you post on your page… one day your complaining about how people use the natural resources around them, and the next your complaining about surfdom and gvt regulation. You cant have it both ways buddy. Either regulate$#%&!@*of people or give them freedom. In your own words: regulation IS NOT freedom.

  14. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    You can have it both ways of people are mature enough to respect both human freedom and the survivability of our species along with the sustainability of our ecosystems.

  15. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    If you are too stupid as an individual to respect nature then you are human scum and not worthy of any freedom.
    People that actually respect the environment and the trees and ecosystems which give us the possibility of life deserve to have freedom.
    All government has to do is regulate or imprison those individuals that disrespect either individual liberty by harming someone else. Destructive practices that harm the environment harm everyone and jeopardize humanity.

  16. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Arguing with all minds is very difficult. People that can’t understand their place in the world or freedom often don’t accept rationality or reason.
    The fact is it is possible to have human freedom without being forced into a systematic life where government controls everything.
    It’s one thing to live off the land in true freedom as God intended without adversely impacting the ecosystem and another to stupidly destroy the planet for selfish gains. Trees don’t have to be destroyed to be harvested, forests don’t need to be cut down to build things.
    The reality is most of modern day society is stupidly destroying the earth following a chain of stupidity that goes back generations that suggests humans must kill each other or the environment to live.
    There is no true freedom in todays society and I fear in a relatively short period of time they also won’t have a planet or lives because of the way they disrespect the earth and each other.

  17. Jack Neie said:

    Charles Benjamin Hawkins your opinions are not based on facts. You appear to be one of those sad misfits that are too impressed with themselves. It must really suck to be you

  18. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Jack Neie, my opinions are based upon what I believe to be the truth which is based upon fact.
    Your assumption conjecture or speculation is irrelevant and display a shallow character.

  19. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    If you can respect the earth or its trees then you’re not a real man.
    People that disrespect nature or the environment jeopardize the longevity of our species and therefore have no humanity, human decency or dignity as a person.

  20. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Cutting wedges from pine trees is irresponsible behavior that fails to consider the sustainability of the Forrest ecosystem and the human need to eat real food such as meat or vegetables. It is a blatant stupidity to kill pine trees which provide shelter for wildlife and ecosystems which sustain all life on the planet.

  21. Casey Gunn said:

    And 100,000,000 ways that a pine tree will kill you. Coming up at 10

  22. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    And the stupid$#%&!@*hole prize goes to the man that can’t respect the forest or the planet and burns trees instead of selling the wood for the building of furniture.

  23. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Learn how to be a real man that respects the environment and not some jerk that stupidly contributes to the untimely demise of humanity or the planet.

  24. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Why live in a place where cutting down trees just so you can see your house, that no one else is ever going to see anyways is necessary.
    Why are American people so freaking wasteful and stupid. Please learn how to become a more mature person or move to an area where there is already grass.
    Grass contributes very little to the sustainability of our ecosystems in terms of providing breathable atmosphere by sinking carbon. Every tree you cut down unecessarily is like killing a small child future ability to breath humanity continues to grow in population it’s going to get harder and harder to sustain the environment. Please have more respect for the environment and our trees. At the very least sell the trees for wood to make furniture, at least then a small amount of the carbon is stored in the wood and not released into the atmosphere buy burning it.

  25. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    American trees are very important. Not every nation respects the environment and so many people and too many businesses destroy the forests of the world unecessarily.
    The trees you cut down and burn in one place can affect the forest adversely in another as the cumulative effect of deforestation or the burning of trees into the atmosphere contributes to the desertification of the earth.

  26. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    Trees are very valuable, more valuable then their current market value in the economic system which has exploited the forest and under paid forestry workers.
    Now many American forests are just gone never to return because logging practices were incredibly stupid in the past, especially in places like here in Arizona where our pine forests shrank to a fraction of the size they once were.

  27. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    If you don’t want to sell the wood then give away. Let someone built a boat a house or an airplane with it instead of burning it.
    I am currently homeless I would use the wood to build something instead of wasting it by just burning it.

  28. Ryan Bosch said:

    Charles Benjamin Hawkins government protecting the environment that’s a good one

  29. Ryan Bosch said:

    Joshua Stevens Jacob Tolivar Tim-Christina Stevens Brandon Epping

  30. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    In America we have a BLM and EPA for the simple reason society is too immature irrational or stupid to be trusted with the safety or protection of the environment, irresponsibly cutting down trees or burning everything to the ground because of their stupidity of smoking or leaving campfires unattended.

  31. Charles Benjamin Hawkins said:

    It’s incredibly sad that the collective level of intelligence of some portions of humanity show no concerns for the sustainability of the environment or the ecosystems which support all life on this planet.
    Without trees you don’t have a planet that can sustain life or a country to call home.
    Every tree is a part of this country with no lesser value then a human life.


