Forget Boring Rice and Beans, With This Recipe You Can Make Some Delicious Chocolate Chia Survival Bars

chocolate chia survival bars

Stocking up on plenty of high-quality, long-term survival foods is the most cited thing every prepper and survivalist says you should do.

When SHTF, the first thing all the stores are going to run out of is food. It has been observed a million times, every time a storm is supposed to hit an area for a few days, people snatch all of the foods from the shelves and even get into brawls at the registers over whose food is whose.

Knowing that, the priority for almost all preppers is to stock up on food when there isn't an emergency and store that food until they need it.

Usually these foods ar boring and flavorless, designed to last a long time while still being nutritious. But it doesn't have to be that way.

On the next page, you can learn to make delicious chocolate chia survival bars that will last just as long as your boring rice and beans.

Featured Image via DIY Ready

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One Comment;

  1. Jason Dixon said:

    I just ate a pouch of tuna I had in my bug out bag . Put salt and pepper and mayo in it . Had all that in the bag as well . Along with a granola bar . Very good lol


