DIY Camping Bucket Light

Have you ever gone camping to a spot with AC Power? If you have, and yes – we know this isn't considered roughing it- you've probably seen those 2 or 5 gallon bucket lights hanging around the campsites. We saw this last year up at Kelly's Beach on Kings River. If you haven't been, it's a great spot for families of groups of friends looking to enjoy the great outdoors with a few luxuries. You can rough it and avoid the bathrooms and showers and cook your own food rather than heading to the tavern up the road from the campsite. But the best part is taking the bus ride up the hillside. You can bring your inter-tubes and a cooler, tie your floating devices to your friends floating devices and float down the river.

The water is pretty cold early in the morning, but by the time you get down the river (3-4 hours) it's nice and hot. We opted to cook our own meals. But in the evenings we noticed all these utility type lanterns hanging from the trees. They looked really cool and when we found out you can make them yourself, we decided to do it.

Original Image Source: Peter Bjork

On the following page, we'll show you how to make your own DIY Camping Bucket Light. They're crazy easy to make. 


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