Ditch The Disposables And Buy The Real Deal: 5 Must Have Items


Making a switch to more permanent and reusable things is something that would be critical in a long-term survival scenario.

We are just too reliant these days on stuff you use once and discard or throw it away when it breaks; here is a short list of stuff you can invest in now that can be used over and over again.

Cloth Napkins– Stop throwing your money in the trash can every month, and save a bundle by replacing paper towels with cloth napkins. Make sure to buy something absorbent, not a fancy napkin meant for laps only.

Handkerchiefs– Do people still use these nowadays? Sure they do! We stopped buying boxes of Kleenex long ago, and have enjoyed the convenience of never running out of a hankie when you need one.

Cloth Diapers and Wipes– Super easy to use, and much more economical than disposables. It would stink (haha) to use up the last of baby’s diapers and have no way of getting more. Buy a pack of prefold cloth diapers and some pins, and never worry about running out.

BPA Free Plastic Dishes– Have a durable set of plates, bowls and cups that won’t break when dropped and can handle long term use. These can be for everyday, but can also be thrown in a Bug-Out-Bag when necessary.

Reusable Canning Lids- Instead of stocking up on a huge supply of one-time-use canning lids, consider buying Tattlers as your budget allows. They’ll last indefinitely, as long as you take good care of them.

Washable Feminine Hygiene Products– Yes, have some tampons and pads for convenience. But for a long term situation I’d highly recommend the Diva Cup and a few packs of Glad Rags. This may be TMI… but I’ve been using these products exclusively for over a year now, and absolutely love them.

Obviously, this is just a short list to get you going.

Each of these items in a survival situation could be invaluable – not just to ensuring you have what you need when you need it, but also to your own peace of mind and well being.

For more items you can reuse to get away from “disposable society,” please visit Crisis Survivor Tips and also if you have ideas for items that are reusable in a survival situation, please leave a comment below.

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