Discover if a Prepper Could Stomach Some of These Great Depression Meals

dandelion salad

When you’re hungry you will find yourself saying such things as: “I could eat a horse!” or “Hand me your leather shoe and let’s make dinner!” No, you don’t mean it. We say it just to emphasize our hunger.

Still, back during the Great Depression, many families found themselves in a very bad way. In other words, that horse probably would have looked pretty good to them.

You have heard the stories about how many men were out of work; soup kitchens were opened, and how the upper-middle class suddenly became poor and the poor were even poorer.

We are old enough to have had parents who were very young but did live during The Depression. Fortunately for them, they had a farm, chickens, gardens, and were actually considered “well off.”

Still, they did talk of friends coming to school with a slice of buttered bread for lunch, and others had nothing, so they played in the school yard and acted like it did not bother them.

Desperation breeds inventiveness. Take a look and see, as a prepper, if you could see yourself eating these delectable morsels over on the next page!

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  1. Jeff Gallup said:

    Yeah what snob wrote this list? Hot dogs n baked beans on the same list as road kill?? Much of this list are old fashioned southern or country staples..i just had a fried egg over rice 30 minutes ago..i see a similar dish listed here..

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