Discover if a Prepper Could Stomach Some of These Great Depression Meals

dandelion salad

Many but not all of the following appear stomach churning to us in this day and age but they were fairly common meals back when food was scarce. Again, housewives had to be inventive and while the following may sound terrible we tend to hope mom or Dad knew what they were doing. In other words, they probably tasted good – especially if you were hungry enough to eat them!

Cucumber and mustard sandwiches
Potato soup – water base, not milk
Dandelion salad
Hot dogs and baked beans
Road kill
One eyed Sam – piece of bread with an easy over egg in the center
Oatmeal mixed with lard
Fried potatoes and hot dogs
Cornbread in milk
Gravy and bread – as a main dish
Toast with mashed potatoes on top with gravy
Creamed corn on toast
Corn mush with milk for breakfast, fried corn mush for dinner
Rice in milk with some sugar
Fried potato peel sandwiches
Banana slices with powdered sugar and milk
Tomato gravy on rice
Toast with milk gravy
Water fried pancakes
Chicken feet in broth
Fried bologna
Bean soup
Runny eggs with grits
Butter and grits with sugar and milk
Baked apples
Hard boiled eggs in white sauce over rice
Spam and noodles with cream of mushroom soup
Rag soup: spinach, broth and lots of macaroni
Garbanzo beans fried in chicken fat or lard, salted, and eaten cold
Popcorn with milk and sugar – ate it like cereal

We can say we have had hot dogs and baked beans, fried bologna and, believe it or not, popcorn with milk and sugar! There are more Depression era meals/foods and you can take a look at them over on The Survival Mom.

Honestly, we would not mind trying a few of these. No, they don’t look scrumptious but they are curious and, as a prepper, we have to be willing to try anything. There may come a time when we have to eat any of the above or even stranger… Grub sandwich anyone?


  1. Jeff Gallup said:

    Yeah what snob wrote this list? Hot dogs n baked beans on the same list as road kill?? Much of this list are old fashioned southern or country staples..i just had a fried egg over rice 30 minutes ago..i see a similar dish listed here..


