Deciding Whether to Bug Out or Bug In: Which One is Better?

prepper with gas mask

So when it comes to bugging in or bugging out, what is the deciding factor? Most experts would likely agree and explains that the most important aspect to keep in mind when considering your own SHTF plans is keeping your income and your debts in check. For more perspective on this topic, keep reading:

The decision to Bug-Out or to stay put and Bug-In, depends on a number of very important factors, not the least of which is ‘how prepared and capable are you to actually successfully bug out?” and “for how long?” and “how bad is (or will be) the unfolding disaster?”
I will make a very general statement that for most end-of-the-world, apocalyptic type disaster scenarios, your survival will likely depend on you bugging out of your suburban home if you live in population-dense suburbia. For city dwellers, the answer is a no-brainer… ‘get out’.
I will also make another very general statement that for most likely-to-occur disaster scenarios (which are not quite so apocalyptic), your survival should be assured if you ‘bug in’ and stay put in your suburban home provided that you have adequately prepared.
We could all argue the exceptions to these two general statements, of which there are many.
The level of success for staying put in your suburban house depends on the level of disaster, the specifics of the disaster, the length of the disaster’s aftermath, the geographical coverage of the disaster, your proximity and relation to the real population density of your region, your level of preparedness, and your level of success based on your decision making and implementation of your survival plan.
There are far more ‘lesser’ disasters that are likely to occur (compared to the worst-case-scenarios) which you could survive with relative ease by being prepared at home. It is often more sensational to discuss or write about the apocalyptic type scenarios, but the fact is though that although several of these worst-case scenarios could indeed realistically occur in our lifetime, chances are that some of them might happen in a sort of ‘slow motion’ as they unfold – giving more chance for survival at home in suburbia.
Of all the disasters, those that wipe out your power, the electrical power grid (regional or worse), will result in worst case scenarios. Electricity is what keeps countless 100’s of millions alive. How many of us could truly survive for long if all the power goes out? People will stay put until they run out of food and water. Then what? They will either die, or their instinct to survive will bring them out in search of supplies. This is the dangerous period of time (before the first wave die-off) when you will be the least safe in your suburban home. If you had bugged out to a more rural location (assuming you had a thought-out safe place to go), you will be less likely to encounter the initial wave of desperate people. Your rural location will probably not save you from a 2nd wave of those who have made it through the first and are venturing out further. But that’s another story…
Let’s touch on bugging out…
If you felt that you had to, where would you go? You need to have a very clear answer to this question, as well as a Plan B or Plan C. I hope you are not envisioning bugging out to ‘the woods’. You will not survive there, unless you are part of a very small percentage of people with adequate wilderness survival skills. If you have a friend or relative’s house in mind, then you better be sure they will take you in. Bugging out is the least attractive option, unless you are fortunate enough to have built up a secondary location that is stocked and ready to go. Most people do not have the financial resources to do that… buying a 2nd home or cabin somewhere in addition to their primary residence. Even if you are planning to stay home during a disaster, you should still have a bug-out plan. You must think about it, and decide on some options as to where you would go.

Having debt is a crippler when making such plans, as it can hinder your ability to purchase tools, food, and property. It also gives others a hold over you when they are trying to save their own butts when SHTF.

Consider the situations you are most likely to face, prepare for them in particular, and do everything you can to stay within your means in your constant push to stock up on supplies.

For more advice on how to bug in and bug out, and how to make the decision between the two, read more at Modern Survival Blog.


  1. Cameron N Raath said:

    I notice that there are alot of posts, I’m not so much seeing many discussions, is there a forum you guys host or favor?

  2. Lori Ellen said:

    Ideally I would like to bug in. Or come back when the town clears.

  3. Lori Ellen said:

    SHTF Preparedness Central gets good feeds and Prepper Living has a forum, on a different site. I’m not on the forum, but they been posting they have one.

  4. Cameron N Raath said:

    Id like to bug out, that way once everything is settled they’d expect everyone to return, I’d not return and start my life a new


