Deciding Whether to Bug Out or Bug In: Which One is Better?

prepper with gas mask

No matter which site you prefer to learn your preparedness information from or which survival expert you prefer on TV, chances are all of them have their own ideas on which is better, bugging in or bugging out. It's a major decision which plagues the minds of thousands of would-be preppers.

It's a huge, decision, to be sure. After all, if you make the wrong call, you could be putting your entire family in jeopardy.

Your decision will be based heavily on what you can afford, as well as what situations you envision to be the most likely in your area or the country as a whole.

Social issues, for instance, could very well lead to heavy rioting, looting and burning, depending on where you live. These are the sorts of things you must consider before you can pin down your decision.

Check out one prepper's perspective on the next page for more advice on this issue before making a decision.

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  1. Cameron N Raath said:

    I notice that there are alot of posts, I’m not so much seeing many discussions, is there a forum you guys host or favor?

  2. Lori Ellen said:

    Ideally I would like to bug in. Or come back when the town clears.

  3. Lori Ellen said:

    SHTF Preparedness Central gets good feeds and Prepper Living has a forum, on a different site. I’m not on the forum, but they been posting they have one.

  4. Cameron N Raath said:

    Id like to bug out, that way once everything is settled they’d expect everyone to return, I’d not return and start my life a new


