Cotton Balls and Vaseline – A Sure-Fire Fire-Starter

cotton ball and vaseline

Without fire, the danger of not making it through a survival situation becomes acute.

One of the best methods for starting a fire is to use a cotton ball and Vaseline; here is how to do it so that you have enough Vaseline, but not too much.

The cotton ball is extremely flammable and typically only takes one strike of flint & steel to light.

Take one cotton ball and dip it in Vaseline if you have some. That way the cotton ball will burn much longer.

Place the cotton ball in the area where you wish to burn it. Make sure it is in a safe place. Outside is best.

Take your flint & steel and hold it up to the cotton ball and strike. It should only take one strike. Using matches or a lighter will work too.

The cotton ball should immediately light up in flames. If you have Vaseline on the cotton ball it will burn for about a minute; if not, it will last 15 seconds.
Place flammable tinder such as dry leaves or plants to build the fire up.

Fire makes survival doable in many respects, but more importantly, the absence of fire makes survival much more difficult.

To learn other fire-starting methods using household products, check out Survival Life.

Featured Image via Survival Life


