Check Out This DIY Compost Bin That You Can Make Fairly Quickly!

compost bin

Building your own compost bin is one way of ensuring you constantly have a source of soil nutrients from year to year.

You compost bin does not have to be overly complicated, though; it can be as simple as this design!

Step One:

Find and select 4 pallets.

Step Two:

Before you begin putting your pallets together, you need to make your zip ties long enough to join the pallets. String one through the end loop of another, then when you want to “tie” them, you put the end of the first through the loop of the second. You will only be joining the bin on three sides, so nine (9) joined zip ties should be enough.

Step Three:

Stand your pallets up and place them at a 90 degree angle to one another. Try to find an arrangement where the pallet heights and widths can be put together to make a square or rectangular structure.

Step Four:

Join two pallets together. Using your zip tie pairs, begin joining two of your pallets together to start forming your structure. Use three long zip ties for each corner.

Step Five:

Place a third pallet at a 90 degree angle to the first two joined pallets and zip tie one corner to the first pair of secured pallets.

Step Six:

Place your fourth pallet with the first three so that you have a square or rectangular shape. You will only attach one corner her so that you will have a door, allowing you to open the bin to add or access your compost. Do not pull the zip ties on this side too tightly.

There are many different designs for a compost bin, and you can buy them in just about any home improvement store.

If you are looking for a simple design that costs under $10, however, using discarded pallets and zip ties is a great way to get a sturdy, reliable compost bin that is mobile and able to be quickly torn down at the end of the season.

To see more great and innovative designs like this, please visit DIY Ready.


