Check Out How to Fish… With a Soda Can

soda can in the woods

If you ever find yourself unlucky enough to be lost out in the woods (not a fun place to be), you'll probably be pretty panicky about how you're going to feed yourself until you're rescued. Luckily, if you have an empty soda or beer can and some floss, you're in luck.

  • Measure out several arm lengths of floss or line — a minimum of 12 feet.
  • Squeeze your can into an hourglass shape. Break off the tab and save it.
  • Secure your line to the middle of the soda can and wrap it around the middle to make your reel. Leave about three feet hanging loose.
  • Now use a multitool to snip an opening in the bottom hole of your tab to make a hook point.
  • Tie your improvised hook to the end of your line.

Keep in mind that this is just an awesome way to improvise a hood, reel, and line. It's no substitution for a well-prepared survival kit with hooks and lines or even a small collapsible rod.

Sure, people survive every day with improvisations like this with no problem, but there's always the chance that if you go into the woods with the plan to improvise, you could find yourself up to the creek without a paddle.

Still, give this trick a try the next time you go fishing with your buds; they'll probably make fun of you… until you land that whopper.

For more on this subject, check out the original article at Backpacker.

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