Check Out How to Fish… With a Soda Can

soda can in the woods

If you find yourself stranded out in the woods, there are quite a few things that come flooding through your mind. Of course at the top of the list is the panic that you're lost in the first place, but once you get past that you begin to think immediately of food and water.

It's amazing how quickly our body decides that it's hungry the second we realize we don't have access to food. Thirst is the same way.

Remember that little lake you passed not too long ago? There we go, problem solved.

Once you've established your shelter, now you can begin to think about how to feed yourself. Got some floss and an empty soda can that you were going to carry out like a good camper? Great! That means you've got a fishing line, hook, and a reel.

Learn how to assemble them on the following page.

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