Bizarre (But Clever) Survival Uses for Cinder Blocks That Actually Work!

In a world where we may eventually have very little, we will all have to look at what we have around us and start using items we never really thought about using before! What is nice is that a lot of these things, for now, are fairly plentiful.

Take cinder blocks, for instance. They are everywhere! You can find them in playgrounds, in back alleys, in junk yards, and we even found some available at a local yard sale – and, we might add, they were very inexpensive! And, of course, they can be easily bought at a Lowes© or Home Depot©!

Now, you are wondering what it is you can do with a cinder block. Plenty!

Go over to the next page and read up on some of the wonderful survival uses you can implement with your cinder blocks! Honestly, you will be surprised by all you can do with that heavy block of concrete!

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