Author Archives: Rebecca Eisenhuth

powerful energy EMP

EMP Preparedness Tips for Newbie Preppers to Follow

EMP Preparedness Tips for Newbie Preppers to Follow

For those new to EMPs and prepping, a phenomena, also known as an electromagnetic pulse, is a short burst of electromagnetic energy. It can be a natural occurrence – think of lightening – or, if man-made by our enemies, an EMP of sufficient strength can undoubtedly destroy. Once that happens we can say good-bye to all

wicking bed

(Video) How to Make a Wicking Bed Survival Garden

Whether it’s homesteading or prepping, gardening is an important part of sustaining ourselves. It does not matter if you are thinking about the present or future! Having a good, sustainable outlet of fresh vegetables, which depends on how good your soil is will prolong life indefinitely. Still, there are things to consider, especially if you are

cinder blocks

7 Incredible Uses for Cinder Blocks

  On Die Hard Survivor we are all about making something out of nothing. There really is nothing more fun than to find something tossed out by a family or worker and discovering a whole new everyday purpose for it! As a prepper, we live for hacks and fist pump whenever one reveals itself to
