An EPI Pen Has More Than Just One Use. Learn About Some Other Clever Uses for This Medication.


If you're unfamiliar with an epi-pen, then you're about to learn how useful it can be. Epi-pens are used to inject life-saving medicine to individuals with severe allergies.

During an emergency, an epi-pen injection can save a life! However, did you know that an epi-pen also has several uses? The tips on the following page will show you just how you can find other uses for the epi-pen.

With a few simple tweaks, you can find other uses for the device, and it can really come in handy in a pinch. Just remember that an epi-pen is not a toy and should be used first and foremost for a severe allergic reaction!

Find out how you can use an epi-pen more than once with a few simple steps on the next page!

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  1. Christopher Royer said:

    It’s not unobtainable. It’s just so outrageously priced that I wouldn’t want one use it for anything other than an allergic reaction.

  2. Brent Roberts said:

    That witch would not get my money. I can think of other emergency kit supplies I can stock up on.

  3. Stan Radeski said:

    They sell epinephrine as a liquid vial, so you can get the medication you may need without having your wallet raped by a greedy liar.

  4. Dave Allan said:

    Thx, useful to know there’s spare epinephrine in the core after administering the usual dose.

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