After Doomsday it’ll be Easy to Run Out of Ammo. That’s Why it’s Critical to Make Gunpowder the Old Fashioned Way:


SHTF normally focuses on short-term survival situations where after a prepper is done getting over the initial shock, it's only hours or days before the situation is over.

However, not all SHTF situations will be temporary. How can you know for certain that when the grid goes down that it won't be permanent? It's hard to know for certain; a natural disaster could wipe out everything except for the people who lived through it because they have durable bunkers. 

The possibility of a long-term SHTF situation is why people think it's vital to understand and know the skills on how to make necessary items such as weapons and more specifically, gunpowder.

If survivalists are smart, they will already be working hard at stockpiling food that'll last them months or more. However, when it's all gone, they will need weapons to help catch food. And when ammunition disappears as well it'll be important to have the skill of knowing how to make more of it.

After the break, you'll be glad you took the time to learn step-by-step instructions on how to make gunpowder for a long-term SHTF situation.

Adding this essential skill to your survival expertise is something you shouldn't pass up!

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  1. Jonathan Gallager said:

    Thats why you stock up now. There are very few who will have the skill to get gunpowder right. This is a waste of time.

  2. Rick Brasche said:

    even that only goes so far. I have a cap and ball revolver that Ive run off of a comrade’s homebrewed powder, and will eventually replace that with a flintlock. if for nothing else than using that for “primitive” hunting and saving the “good stuff” for more dangerous game

  3. Stan R Smith said:

    we have enough in N.Idaho to last well past the ” 2nd Coming” but more is welcome ..!

  4. Jonathan Gallager said:

    Rick Brasche during war it runs out. This link it stupid. You should have enough for your lifetime.

  5. Rich F Mogavero said:

    I used to make it when I was 12. Back then the drug store had all the chemicals. Made mostly firecrackers and small bombs. This was before you’d be in possession of weapons of mass destruction. It was just fun kids had at that time. The government used to mind its own business.

  6. Corey Crawford said:

    Making gunpowder and Ammo is a very old science it’s not exactly difficult to make everything yourself.

  7. Corey Crawford said:

    Side note stock piling is silly, be mobile is key to survival. Any fortification can be taken eventually.

  8. Jonathan Gallager said:

    Corey Crawford Total fail. So I expect to not to stockpile a single thing and make everything fresh. Lol ok pal.

  9. Joe Adamson said:

    Yeah a bunch of protesters funded by Warren Buffet who owns 70% of all the railroad oil tankers.

  10. Taylor Dietrich said:

    I was thinking the same thing about MT, I imaging the boys and girls at the Western Powders plant would be handing it out by the barrel.

  11. Brandon Brennan said:

    Hope ya all remember that home made gun powder is nowhere nearcas refined, usable, or consistent as the manufacture type, personally, I think ensuring you had reload equipment supplies and experience….. If TSHF so badly that you run out of ammo, it is too late for ,

  12. Pabs P. Panes said:

    Gun cotton would alright. Just a bit messy but would do if compressed in Acetone and grounded to granules when fully dried. It is better than nothing.

  13. Pabs P. Panes said:

    Pour Nitric Acid in a bundle of Cotton.
    Squeeze out the Acid.
    Wash cotton with rain or distilled water.
    Let it dry in the Sun.

    You now have nitrocellulose

  14. Chandler Grey said:

    Unless your skilled with swords nice and gorilla ware fare$#%&!@*you could even use old revolution era rifles and pistols with homade gun powder and from a tree close range blended in with a couple of traps plus your sword and knifes its not that crazy even advance civlations have fallen to less fire power and less advanced weapons have one its all about preparation and element of surprise period well and how many people backing you but even then it would have to be a big statageric attack.

  15. Anthony Jordan said:

    How about just accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and you won’t have to worry about it

  16. Brandon Brennan said:

    Chandler, no real arguments, but…. Do you seriously think you are going to run out of ammo, and the situation has gone THAT long, that it will even be a question of still needing more gun powder? If technology BC and distribution is that broken, o doubt any amount of home brew powder is going to help… On other hand, it WOULD be decent for construction type explosives, and would save your refined powder for dinner and fipshits

  17. Anonymous said:

    “Hiding ain’t a plan?” “It’ll do for a spell”

  18. Arthur Chavez said:

    Bow and arrow and knives and slings and ah spears and I can think of a thousand weapons that don’t need gun powder and there silent

  19. Robert Dudley said:

    Yes that is all well and good. A person can easily make powder, even modern smokeless for that matter, in the home shop.
    Problem is, duplicating primers is the tough part and very risky.

  20. David F Tefft said:

    Get a good recurve bow and make your own arrows. Easier and won’t blow up in your face.

  21. Brian Bimber said:

    And how many of those are still around? And how many folks now how to use them?

  22. Isaac Anthony said:

    thinking like that is what will screw you over. you can avoid all you want, but you will be caught sooner or later and itll he best to be prepared you know?

  23. Nathan Paul said:

    Word to the wise, don’t look this stuff up at work in a chemical plant; you get fired apparently….

  24. Brandon Brennan said:

    Cody, lol, ya shoulda left it, did not even notice! Have great firefight free day

  25. Patricia Roy said:

    Poppycock. After Shtf, you can’t get ammo because all the stores are closed? Where the h are you going to buy the ingredients you’ll need to make your own powder? You think just the drug stores and chemical plants will still be open and running?

  26. Anthony Jordan said:

    He paid the price for your sins and you seated at the right hand of the father he is the only way to heaven

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