After Doomsday a Prepper Will Eventually Run Out of Ammo. Here’s How to Make Gunpowder the Old Fashioned Way.


SHTF normally mainly focuses on short-term survival situations where after you're done feeling shocked, it's usually only days or hours before the before the situation is over.

However, not all collapses are temporary. How can a prepper know for certain that when the collapse takes place that it isn't permanent? You never know, a man-made or natural disaster could wipe out everything except for the people who have survived it thanks to their sturdy bunkers.

The potential of a long-term bug out situation is why preppers believe it's so important to understand the skills on how to make essential items such as weapons and specifically, gunpowder.

If a prepper is wise, they will have already been stocking up food to last them a while, however, when it's all used it they will need weapons to help them catch food. When ammunition is gone it's important to know how to make more of it.

On the next page, check out step-by-step instructions on how to make gunpowder for a long-term SHTF situation and add this essential skill to your survival expertise. 

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Featured Image via Wikipedia


  1. Eric Rheinecker said:

    This is why I have reloader’s even small ones . And I have everything I need to reload thousands of rounds

  2. Jarrett Miller said:

    This is one reason to stick with 9mm, ,223 / 5.56, and 12 ga with your primary weapons. These will be the easiest rounds to scavenge. The fact that these are widely used by the public AND government agencies means there will be opportunities to resupply.

  3. Dawn Barlow said:

    What would i do without your wisdom! Penfold would be so proud xx

  4. Cliff Caro said:

    Not even fire says “here I am, try your luck” like the sound of a gunshot. learn to make bows and traps, let all these fucking Rambo kill each other off, in a hurry, please. I can’t wait.

  5. Timmy Crouch said:

    Thats why its a good idea to invest in a couple black powder firearms, air rifles and a decent crossbow to have laying around

  6. James Duerr said:

    Cap and ball revolver and flint lock muzzle loaders can make almost everything for em except caps but you can get hundreds of caps for pretty cheap, also a bow and arrow is a very good weapon very accurate, silent, and can reuse the ammo if you know how to refletch

  7. John Langdon said:

    Bow and arrow nice and quite. If you gotta. Then take his gun and ammo. Better to know how to use more than one weapon effectively.

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