A Person is Off Grid When He Gets Bit by a Brown Recluse. Here’s How He Can Effectively Treat It.

brown recluse

People are fearful of spiders throughout the world for a reason. Whether it's due to their appearance and how they walk or their eyes and the precision in which they build their webs is unknown, but the fact is people fear spiders for a reason.

The good news is that there aren't a lot of spiders that pose a danger to humans. Luckily even if a person should bite you, the bite is usually as painful and itchy as a mosquito bite.

However, there still are a few deadly spiders that should result in the most unsqueamish person to pause. If you've heard of the brown recluse spider then you're likely afraid of this spider as well. After all, if you were to get bit by this spider you'd need to go to the hospital.

But what if there's not a hospital nearby and a survival situation is unfolding? If you're bugging out or trying to escape danger a hospital likely isn't an option.

On the next slide learn about what it takes to treat a brown recluse spider bite, especially when there's no emergency help available. 

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  1. Crystal Dawn Prevo said:

    I thought the brown recluse has a fiddle on it’s body? This looks like a wolf spider to me.

  2. Wes Hawks said:

    It’s a little “squished” but the fiddle is still plainly visible. A wolf spider has 2 stripes on mid section and a single stripe on lower section. I have plenty of those too lol.
    This is a different pic. More visible here

  3. Wes Hawks said:

    This is a wolf spider o had in front of my house. I didn’t kill
    It. Zoom in on the babies on her back!!!

  4. Anonymous said:

    Charcoal paste change every hour for 4 hours. Then Echinacea paste change every 4 hours for 4 days. Ingest 2 capsules of Echinacea every 4 hours for 4 days.

  5. Wes Hawks said:

    Yes it wasn’t a good pic. The neighbor kid actually
    Accidentally stepped on that one BAREFOOT! Luckily it didn’t bite him

  6. Chris Williford said:

    Get ready to be sick and irritated as it literally rots a hole into your body
    Got bit in TX

  7. Michael Akers said:

    Get your echinacea and also mix in dandelion tincture. You can also pack reishi powder in the wound i was told. Get your echinacea and dandelion at redmoonherbs.com

  8. Ray Sirbaugh said:

    we had guys at sill make it all the way to the end of the course go to the field for three days then have to get out do too bites in really bad spots ….like four or five drops

  9. Kenneth Hatt Jr. said:

    I wish this had been available when I was in ector county jail. I damn near died from a bite on my spine.

  10. Nikki Mccullar said:

    My brother just cuts it out..(he’s a scary guy lol). I’ve only been bitten on the bottom of my foot so it kind of took care of itself. As many of these as we have I’m surprised I haven’t had more trouble. I need to make a shopping list☺ thanks for sharing

  11. Marty Sturtz said:

    Meat tenderizer works well but burns like hell. Always worked for me.

  12. Ric Dowell said:

    I had a pest control company ,like she. Said they look like grandaddy long legs with a violin and if u thump them they fall apart..

  13. Paula B. Salvaggio said:

    Cut that crap out! Always have a good scalpel in your first aid kit if you live in the country. I have a scar and little hole in my calf and know several other people that have been bit.

  14. Michael Lee Mosby said:

    I’ve been bitten four times. Once on the finger caused my hand to swell like a catchers mitt. Almost lost my hand. Another on the wrist caused my hair to fall out in clumps and grow back white over a year. All four bites caused ghastly rot holes in the tissue varying from quarter size to silver dollar size. Nasty!

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