A Person is Off Grid When He Gets Bit by a Brown Recluse. Here’s How He Can Effectively Treat It.

brown recluse

People are fearful of spiders throughout the world for a reason. Whether it's due to their appearance and how they walk or their eyes and the precision in which they build their webs is unknown, but the fact is people fear spiders for a reason.

The good news is that there aren't a lot of spiders that pose a danger to humans. Luckily even if a person should bite you, the bite is usually as painful and itchy as a mosquito bite.

However, there still are a few deadly spiders that should result in the most unsqueamish person to pause. If you've heard of the brown recluse spider then you're likely afraid of this spider as well. After all, if you were to get bit by this spider you'd need to go to the hospital.

But what if there's not a hospital nearby and a survival situation is unfolding? If you're bugging out or trying to escape danger a hospital likely isn't an option.

On the next slide learn about what it takes to treat a brown recluse spider bite, especially when there's no emergency help available. 

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  1. Brian Oswald said:

    “After the first few hours, charcoal will no longer be useful. Purchase bentonite clay powder from a health food store, &— ” I find it comforting that health food stores will remain open in a grid down scenario.

  2. Michael Parker said:

    Thanks, I already know everything there is to know about them tough. It’s a spider! It’s going to die!

  3. Turtle M Hess said:

    I got bit once ,went too smash it with my boot in hand.. not sure what really happened but I passed out, woke up and my arms were crisscrossed and I was in a warm Web and I couldn’t talk or hear. Days later too weak too move I died.

  4. Allen Strickland said:

    I’ve been bit twice. A little itchy and the first time a tiny necrotic spot but didn’t slow me down at all.

  5. Pat Burgwin said:

    I was bit by something and was later told it was a Brown Recluse by the way my skin rotted away about the size of a quarter. It was ugly.

  6. Tina Webb said:

    Tea tree oil is known to treat this along with Aloe Vera gel to heal the skin

  7. Kristin Howe - Schlichting said:

    I did years ago it wasn’t pretty when I went to the emergency room they told me I could have lost my leg from the infection luckily I didn’t but I had to keep going in have my leg packed

  8. David Padilla said:

    One nipped me on the inside of my leg hurt for a few weeks till one day I squeezed it as hard as I could big core popped out green pus after that went away

  9. Robert DeWitt said:

    I’ll tell you what the best treatment is…. papain! Adolfs meat tenderizer use to be made of it but they changed to bromain. Papain is a papaya enzyme that breaks down protein which is what most venom is made of. Make a paste of papain and water and cover the wound. The papain will start to break down the protein chains of the venom. Saved my brother leg when he was bit by a recluse. Always had it in my 1st aid kit. Time to find some to resupply!

  10. Rick Gardner said:

    Apply voltage from battery 9 volt to bite area the voltage neutralizes venom

  11. Jim Templeman said:

    Thats not a brown recluse! Unless omits magnified a hundred times! If you want to warn people, post a real fucking picture! Smh!

  12. Keith Davi said:

    This could be useful in a pinch/in conjunction with medical care. I have both of these on hand and essential oils so I would actually try this plus oils first.

  13. Michael McCurdy said:

    I killed a brown recluse in a lady’s house a few weeks ago. Smacked it with a flat hand against the wall and it went to pieces everywhere. It was funny watching her freak out about what to do. I shoulda’ live streamed it on fb, lol. But yeah, they are nasty.

  14. Patricia Miller said:

    Excellent advice. Not many people know about activated charcoal and bentonite clay. There are many more uses for both. They should be kept on hand at all times.

  15. Michelle Moore said:

    Just recently bought both so many benefits from the two so glad I read this a friend of mine swears by egg embryos on the bite ?

  16. Michael Roelofs said:

    “Luckily even if a person should bite you, the bite is usually as painful and itchy as a mosquito bite.”

    Are we talking about being bitten by spiders or people here?

  17. Wes Hawks said:

    I’ve killed several brown recluses in the last year. I had no idea about this treatment but I’m Getting the supplies now !!

  18. Robert Muñoz said:

    I have been bit. Its pretty fuckin unpleasant. Had to go to a doctor and have some big black lady draw a map on my ribcage everyday. I would have liked to know this before i let it go as far as i did. I have a friend who lost a finger to one of these little assholes.


