9 Reasons Preppers Are Happier Than Most People in the World

happy survivalist

Compared to people that don’t prepare, a survivalist prepper is believed to lead a happier overall life. Here are 9 reasons why! Some of them might surprise you.

Worry Less About Disasters/Know They Are Ready
Preppers are happier because they know that they are making plans that will ensure that they are prepared to survive any type of disaster or event that life may throw at them. Because they know they are prepared and ready to face the dangers in this world, they are able to worry less about those types of events. Preppers spend less time worrying about what might happen because they have confidence in their ability to overcome whatever comes. This means they are happier because they worry less and spend more time enjoying life.

Control over life
Prepping creates a greater sense of control of life in general. When you prepare for potential emergencies, you actively choose to take a defensive position and mindset rather than a victim mindset. Instead of just waiting around to see what happens and worrying about what could happen, preppers actively prepare to overcome the obstacles life presents. This provides a greater sense of control over life in general.

Life’s Little Inconveniences Are Nothing to Fret About
Everyone experiences the little inconveniences of life, including preppers. When your average person is caught unprepared by something simple like impossible to open plastic packaging, a flat tire on an isolated highway, or more serious like a prolonged power outage or flooded basement, it can cause stress, fear, and anxiety. When a prepper comes against one of these little inconveniences, stress, fear, and anxiety are pretty much taken out of the equation. A prepper knows they can handle these types of delays because they carry their EDC kit, have a car BOB, and have prepared to manage without power.

Can Help Others
Preppers are happier than those who don’t prep because they know that they are in the position to help friends and family if needed. Because preppers often stockpile supplies like food, water, toilet paper, and other necessities, they are in a position to help someone else who is experience a shortage of income by providing them with some basic supplies to get them through the crisis. Some preppers are also preparing to help friends and family in the case of a SHTF event.

Families are Closer
For many preppers, the act of prepping becomes a family project. Families that actively prepare for emergencies and other catastrophic events spend more quality time together. They are more aware of the individual skills, interests, and personal needs of family members. Prepper families develop a team attitude and are invested in actively planning for the protection and survival of the family as a unit. These are activities that just naturally develop closer relationships within the family.

Keeps you Fit/Stress Relief
Everyone knows that exercise and staying active are great ways to relieve stress, anxiety, and feelings of depression. In today’s society, hardcore prepping can be a great way to reduce stress. If you are spending your spare time hiking, camping, chopping wood, planting a hidden survival garden, etc. then you not only improve your fitness level but you are also experience the regular release of endorphins that positively affect your mood and mental health.

Less Bored /Stay Busy
Preppers are happier because there are so many aspects to prepping and planning that one can never really be bored. There is always something else that can be done if you are bored. Supplies need to be inventoried and rotated, and there is always a practice drill to be executed. Preppers stay busy and they stay active, and this means they experience less boredom and one could even say that staying active helps stave off the normal effects of aging (stiff joints, memory loss, etc.) many people experience.

More Independent
The very act of prepping, regardless of the amount or level, means that preppers are less dependent on systems outside of themselves to meet their basic physiological and safety needs. Events that would negatively impact other families, such as a shortages or shut downs of grocery stores, gas stations, transportation systems, or other community services, don’t affect preppers.

Preppers are happier because they are more confident. They are confident they can provide for their family when times get tough. They are confident that their home and property is secure and can be defended against possible intruders. They are confident that a natural disaster such as a tornado, flood, or wildfire is something they can survive and bounce back from.

Who knew?! We have plenty to learn from the old guy muttering to himself about the apocalypse. For more information on the benefits of being a prepper, take a look at Modern Survival Online.

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