9 Awesome Alternate Uses For Pantyhose


Pantyhose have multiple uses besides their intended use.

In fact, as a survival item, they may not be high on the list of “must have” supplies, but they should be on that list and their many uses will likely dwarf any of the other items on the list.

Here are just a few of the dozens of ways you can use pantyhose.

Prevent Blisters. This is important if you bug out and spend several hours a day walking. You don’t want to get a blister on your foot that could get infected. Just cut the feet off the pantyhose and wear them under your socks, or you could get the footy or knee-high kind.

Prevent Bug Bites. Marines have been known to use them to stop tick, ant, and chigger bites. They will also stop jellyfish stings and leeches when you’re wading through water. However, they won’t stop mosquitos.

As a Mosquito Net. Although mosquitos can bite through them, they can’t fly through them. Cut several of them lengthwise and stitch them together to make a mosquito net.

Filter Water. The first step to purifying water, no matter what method you use, is to filter out the debris and large particles. Stretch it over a container of water and pour the water into another container.

Protect Your Garden. Put dog or human hair in some pantyhose, then tie them in several places on the fence around your garden. The smell will keep deer and other foragers away. You can also stretch them over squash and melons to keep animals from eating them.

Store Your Food. Foods like garlic, onions, and potatoes spoil faster while lying on a surface. Put them in pantyhose, tie knots between each one, and hang them up. This works better than other types of bags because the holes allow air in so they stay fresh longer. In fact, onions can last as long as six months this way.

Dry Your Tinder. If your tinder is damp, you don’t want to store it in an ordinary bag or in your pocket. It’s better to put it in pantyhose and hang it up so it can dry out.

Hunt Small Animals. Put a large rock or several small rocks in the toe and tie it off, then use it as a bola to kill birds and small game.

As a Rope. Twist it up really tight and it will make great cordage. You can tie things together, hang things up, or even use it to make cross joints and tie branches together to make a shelter.

As you have probably figured out, there are many other ways of using this versatile and amazing product.

Pantyhose are so useful, it is almost critical that any bug out bag or survival kit have at least a few pairs and since they are so lightweight, they take up almost no storage space.

To see many other ways you can use pantyhose, beyond even these, check out the Urban Survival Site.



