6 Survival Hunting Traps And How To Build Them

By the survival principle of 3's, the average person has about three weeks that they can go without food.

In a survival situation or a SHTF scenario, you could easily find yourself in a situation where you are separated from your food cache and you need to improvise.

One way to improvise is to trap game.

Knowing the critical skill of how to make a snare or trap (that actually works) must be one of those skills you practice so that if you have to put to the test, you know what to do and what will most likely work.

There are literally dozens of different types snares and traps, but there are a few that are easier to make and have a better chance of working.

On the next page we go over how to make 6 Survival Hunting Traps And How To Build Them!


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  1. Ray Watkins said:

    @[100000124222667:2048:Charles Neil Prestwood] @[1823320764:2048:Jace Hargrove] @[1509180041:2048:Joshua Randle] @[184104330:2048:Stephanie Holmes Watkins]

  2. Bret Bozarth said:

    You need to learn and practice trapping and snaring prior to when you are in a life and death situation. Thats like telling someone not to bow or firearm hunt until they are starving.
    Need to make the mistakes now.

  3. Joe-Bob Briggs said:

    I need to brush up on my tactics as well. Been sometime since I’ve actually eaten anything not taken by firearms.

  4. David Fulks said:

    That would work well for blm punks just bait it with free$#%&!@*or somebody’s else’s $#%&!@*

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