6 Skillful Ways to Put Old Smart Phones to Use for Off the Grid Survival

clock and smart phone

Smartphones continually come and go. As with most technology, the second you leave a store with a new smartphone, the company is already working on replacing it with a new one. It's virtually obsolete as soon as you exit the store.

This leaves many of us questioning what we should do with an old smartphone once you've replaced it for the umpteenth time. 

You may be that person who has a drawer or cabinet full of old phones from years past. Some people throw them out whereas others recycle their old phones or sell them.

While recycling is a wise decision, as a survivalist you may want to consider saving your smartphone and adding to your bug out bag for when the grid goes down.

After the break check out some great tips on how you can use your old smartphones to your advantage with SHTF. 

And at the end discover an old smartphone prepper tip that can be life-saving if you're stuck out in the wilderness. 

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  1. Dave Wolf said:

    OP, great advice, we teach this during our SHTF Weekend course.

  2. Patrick Behl said:

    Solar charger is a must. Plus keeping the phone in some type of Faraday cage in case of MCME or EMP.

  3. Mark Worden said:

    Here’s an idea, ditch the smartphone altogether! A rather useless commodity! I see no need to own one in my lifetime! Converse face to face, aka get a life! Personal interaction beats social media hands down!

  4. Mark Taylor said:

    So… You believe smartphones are all / only about texting and facebooking with people?

  5. Chris Anderson said:

    So u bug out? How u sposta charge it if u are off the grid? Oh, yes, a currant (current) bush! LMAO!

  6. Michael Lebo said:

    Your fucking site sucks$#%&!@*fucking pop ups unfollowing your bullshit

  7. Jon Galt said:

    We give ours to our little ones. They play games and YouTube and such on wifi.

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