6 Skillful Ways to Put Old Smart Phones to Use for Off the Grid Survival

clock and smart phone

It never hurts to have a few old cell phones you can rely on that may get you out in a pinch. Emergency phone calls are essential if someone in your group gets injured, or you need help. And navigation?! For those of us who may not be so savvy when it comes to directions, using your phone to help you navigate to where you need to go could be life saving.

cell phone navigation

4. 911 calls
Even though your phone may be old and disconnected from cell phone service you are still able to make emergency phone calls.
5. Flashlight
It just so happens that there is a flashlight app that you can download on Android and Apple. This can be a great alternative until you can afford to have all the proper flashlights that you need.
6. Navigation
Most navigation apps have offline versions that you can download to your phone. So if you are lost you can use the phone to navigate to specific areas.

Perhaps the most useful tip is how a smartphone can store your most important files. Store pictures of survival shelters, thousands of pictures and descriptions of plants you can use for medicine, and maps of local hotspots where you can get supplies. All this and more can come in handy and easily found in your back pocket for when you need it.

And as promised, another bonus tip that wasn't listed but is very useful is that if you were to remove your old cell phone's battery, you could short circuit the terminals to start a fire. Doing this is a last resort as it would destroy your battery. However, this can be life-saving if you're freezing out in the woods and you need some warmth (not to mention a way to cook up some food).

To read about additional ways you can use old smartphones for survival, visit Smart Prepper Gear.


  1. Dave Wolf said:

    OP, great advice, we teach this during our SHTF Weekend course.

  2. Patrick Behl said:

    Solar charger is a must. Plus keeping the phone in some type of Faraday cage in case of MCME or EMP.

  3. Mark Worden said:

    Here’s an idea, ditch the smartphone altogether! A rather useless commodity! I see no need to own one in my lifetime! Converse face to face, aka get a life! Personal interaction beats social media hands down!

  4. Mark Taylor said:

    So… You believe smartphones are all / only about texting and facebooking with people?

  5. Chris Anderson said:

    So u bug out? How u sposta charge it if u are off the grid? Oh, yes, a currant (current) bush! LMAO!

  6. Michael Lebo said:

    Your fucking site sucks$#%&!@*fucking pop ups unfollowing your bullshit

  7. Jon Galt said:

    We give ours to our little ones. They play games and YouTube and such on wifi.


