6 Plants That You Should NEVER Ingest While Bugging Out or You Will Suffer the Consequences

Dolls Eyes Plant

Make sure you know which plants to avoid! If you're not familiar with toxic plants while you're bugging out, we would recommend studying which plans will be in your area. The last thing you want to do is try eating something that may make you very ill or worse. These toxic plants are rated on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being an inconvenient snack, to 10 being a possible fatality.

Angel’s Trumpet

Angels Trumpet plant
All members of the Solanaceae family are poisonous when ingested, with symptoms that include diarrhea, migraines, and partial paralysis. DANGER: 3

Poison Oak

poison oak
It’s unlikely you’d get so far as to eat poison oak, given that it will give you a nasty rash on your hands and face first. But in the event that you do, just know that it will give you severe gastrointestinal problems when ingested. DANGER: 5

Doll’s Eyes

Dolls Eyes Plant
Also known as “White Baneberry,” this plant is native to eastern and northern North America. The whole plant is toxic, but the sweet tasting berry contains a carcinogenic toxin with a dangerous sedative effect on cardiac muscles. DANGER: 7


Oleander plant
Chewing on a single leaf on this beautiful flower can cause nausea, vomiting, seizures, and severe cardiac irregularities. Even the honey created by bees who’ve been in contact with oleander remains mildly poisonous. DANGER: 8

Choke Cherry

chokecherry plant
Also known as the wild cherry, choke cherry plants produce large sprays of white flowers with small cherries that can affect the respiratory system. Per the plant’s name, fatal asphyxiation may occur. DANGER: 9

Water Hemlock

Water Hemlock
Considered the most poisonous plant in North America, the “poison parsnip” can cause seizures, confusion, and death due to respiratory failure in just a few hours after ingestion. DANGER: 10

Pretty scary stuff! That's why it pays to study your plants before SHTF and to also share this valuable information with your friends. Having to suffer the consequences of toxic plants is never fun, especially if there are no doctors around.

And remember – if you're not sure whether it's safe to eat a particular plant, don't risk it! For more information on other poisonous plants to avoid, check out Backpacker!


  1. Joe Shaner said:

    As a general rule, I don’t eat any white berries. I’m sure there are some that are ok, but I’m not a botanist and the risk isn’t worth the small nutrient intake. No white berries.


