5 Survival Lessons You Can Take Away From Star Trek Beyond

Trek Fan

Who says pop culture isn’t listening to the call of preppers and survivalist? Here are five incidents taken from the latest Star Trek movie that teach survival lessons.

1. You will need to improvise. Dr. McCoy needed to treat an injury out in the wilderness, and without medical tools, so he used scraps of metal and a heat source to cauterize a wound.

2. You may have to depend on the kindness of strangers and form unlikely allies.

3. Sometimes, you may have to bug out even if you don’t want to. Captain Kirk was loathe to leave his ship, but knowing that lives were in danger, and the motivation to keep going forced him to decide to do so.

4. Fear is not necessarily a bad thing. Everyone experiences fear at one point, the main goal is to get past it and do what you need to do. As Dr. McCoy said, “Fear of death is what keeps us alive.”

5. Shelter is necessary for survival. It’s even better if you can camouflage your location. If you are stranded somewhere, a shelter against the elements can mean the difference between life and death.

It’s nice to know that something as simple as a motion picture can teach good lessons! Thank you Apartment Prepper for bringing this to our attention!

Hey, it may only be a movie but when Star Trek Beyond comes to DVD or Blue Ray it may be the ideal gift from one survivor to another. Explaining why you are giving it to your pal for a birthday or Christmas will make all preppers and survivalist smile during the party and get together!


